Navigating to the Online booking section
Click the clinic name dropdown on the right side of the global tabs
Click Admin
βNavigate to Schedule in Arya Admin: you will end up on the Online Booking tab.
How to enable online booking and edit settings for an Arya user
Each user in the clinic has a corresponding line in this section of Arya. In order to enable online booking for a specific user, you will need to either locate them in the list of users below or create a new line for them.
This can be done by clicking "New" in the upper right corner:
Next search for the physician of choice and select the default time interval for their appointments:
After that, click "Save" and the new line will be created with online booking permissions turned off by default.
With the new line created users can:
Enable telehealth appointments
Enable online booking by patients
Set status of accepting new patients through online booking
Enable in person appointments to be booked through online booking
Removing a user from online booking
To remove a user line from the online booking settings select "Edit", then the red minus symbol next to the line you wish to remove. This can be done in case the user has been removed from the clinic or their clinical user role has been disabled.