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Access Telehealth Appointments as a Patient

This article will go over how patients can confirm or reject their Telehealth appointments, and how they can access the appointment

Updated over a year ago

Confirming or Rejecting your Appointment

When a patient books a Telehealth appointment, they will receive a reminder email that will include a link that patients can interact with to confirm or reject their appointment. Once the patient has clicked on the link in the email, they will be directed to Arya’s appointment confirmation landing page to indicate their availability. From here, the patient can click either ‘Confirm’ or ‘Reject’ to confirm or reject the appointment with the physician.

Once the patient has Confirmed or Rejected the appointment, a pop-up notification will appear for the status of appointment whether it is successfully confirmed or rejected. Once confirmed, the patient can exit the confirmation landing page.

Joining the Video Call

To join the video call, patients can select the Join Video Call button found in the Telehealth Invite email. Patients can join from their computer or mobile device.

Once the patient has selected the Join Video Call, they will be directed to the private Video call with their physician. Once in the video platform, the patient can enter their name and select Join Room. Depending on how the patient is accessing the Video Call, they may be asked if Arya’s Telehealth can access their microphone and camera for the call. The patient can allow the access to their camera and microphone by clicking on Allow.

Once you are inside the room, you can see the screen of the physician allowing you to proceed for the telehealth consultation.

Completing the Video Call

The patient will be able to end the call when their telehealth consultation is complete by clicking on the red phone button found near the bottom of the screen.

Checking your Settings in the Video Call

Once the patient is in the Video Call, they will have the ability to check their settings and browser information to ensure everything runs smoothly during the call. In the top right-hand corner, there will be 3 dots placed vertically, the patient can select this to access their settings and Video Call information. By selecting the 3-dot icon, the patient can access the About and Settings for the call.

The About section will let the patient know if the browser they are using is up-to-date and supported for the call. If it says True, their browser is good to run the Video Call. If it says False, the browser they chose is not up-to-date and will have difficulty running the Video Call.

The Settings section will direct the patient to the Devices Settings. Within this section, the patient can double check that their audio input and output settings are correct to the microphone and headphones/speakers they are using for the call. The Settings tab can only be changed if the patient is not connected and in the middle of the Video Call.

Troubleshooting your Telehealth Appointment

Sometimes patients run into technical problems when trying to access their Telehealth appointment or during the appointment. The below are some troubleshooting tips to help patients access and complete their Telehealth appointments seamlessly.

  • If a patient encounters technical issues during a Telehealth appointment, they can check their internet connection and ensure their browser or app is up to date.

  • If a patient is unable to join a Telehealth appointment, ensure that the patient has provided the correct email address.

  • In case of frequent disruptions during a session, patients can inform their physician and the physician or MOA can reach out to Arya support for additional help.

  • MOAs and Physicians can recommend trying out the Video Link prior to the call to ensure their settings are correct before the call.

This help article should provide clear and concise instructions for patients on starting, accessing, and completing Telehealth appointments, as well as addressing common troubleshooting issues.

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