In this article, you will learn how to submit and create bills, along with how to modify fields within the billing tab in Arya.
How to Create and Submit Bills in the Patient Chart
When you are in the patient chart, you can direct yourself to the Billing tab.
Once you are in the Billing tab, you can select Add Billing, which will create a bill below for the patient. You can then input the corresponding Fee Code, ICD Code, and if applicable a Referring Physician.
If there is additional information you need to add to your bill, you can select the info button
This will bring up the Additional Billing Info section where you can indicate a Call Time, Start Time, End Time, Units, Province, Insurer Type, After Hours, Call Out, Location, and if any Notes are needed for the bill.
Once you have filled out all necessary fields for your bill, you can select the bill you wish to submit using the circular check box by the patient name, then hit Submit.
How to Create and Submit Bills in the Global Billing tab
If you are looking to create and submit bills through the global Billing tab, you can select the Billing tab at the top. Once you are within the global Billing tab, it will provide you lists of all New Billings, Submitted Billings, Rejected Billings, and Paid Billings.
Within New Billings, you can input the patient name, Date, Fee Code, ICD Code, and if applicable the Referring Physician. Once you have inputted the necessary fields, you can select Create Billing and it will appear in the list section below.
Within New Billings, you can select the bill in the list that you wish to submit. Once you have selected the bill, you can select the Submit button.
How to Modify Fields within a Bill
If you need to modify an existing bill, you can do that in the Billing tab within the patient chart or through the global Billing tab. Once you are in Billing, you can select the field for Billing Date, Fee Code, ICD Code, and Referring Physician. This will allow you to update these fields accordingly.
Please view our other Billing articles that take you through in-depth step-by-step guides on billing in Arya.
How to Bill on Behalf of Physician's
If you are a user that bills on behalf of your Doctor's or have someone in the clinic that does your billing, Arya has a specific workflow that allows users to bill for others. Please follow the below steps on how to to bill on behalf of others.
βIf you are billing with Dr. Bill:
If you are billing on behalf of multiple physicians, create your own Dr. Bill Account
Please review our article, Setting up Billing with Dr. Bill to learn how to create your own account
If you are billing on behalf of one physician, you can use that physician's login information under Billing Info in Edit My Profile
Dr. Bill requires a Delegation Form to be signed if another user is billing on behalf of a physician. Please reach out to Arya to receive this form in order to bill on behalf of others.
Ensure you have connected your Dr. Bill account with your Arya account
Navigate to the Global Billing tab in Arya
Select the physician from the dropdown menu that you wish to bill for
Start billing!
βIf you are billing with MDBilling:
Integrate your Arya account with MDBilling
Please review our article, How to Integrate your MDBilling Account with Arya to learn how to integrate your account with MDBilling
Once integrated, navigate to the Global Billing tab in Arya
Select the physician from the dropdown menu that you wish to bill for
Start billing!
π NOTE: When you have created your billings and wish to submit on behalf of your physicians, a popup will appear. The popup is to confirm that you do in fact want to bill on behalf of someone else. Please see image below.
How to Bill a No-Charge Referral
If you need to bill a no-charge referral for a patient, you can do so by creating a bill in the global Billings tab. You can input the patient name, date, the 03333 Fee Code, and the corresponding ICD code that goes with the referral. In the Referred By/To field is where you can put the physician's name that is requesting the no-charge referral.
Once done, you can select Create Billing to create the bill.