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How to Favourite a Task
How to Favourite a Task

Streamline your workflow by marking your commonly used tasks as favourites.

Updated over 4 months ago

What does favouriting a task do?

Instead of typing the same task over and over again, you can favourite your most commonly used to save you time! You can save as many favourited tasks as you like and they will be specific to you as a user.

From then on, once you click on the task field, your favourited tasks will automatically be suggested to you in a drop-down. After selecting a favourited task from the drop-down, you can edit it to include more details (Note: these edits to a new task will not change the original task marked as your favourite!).

Where you can favourite tasks:

You can favourite a task in any of the Task creation sections. There are five different sections where you can add a task so there are five sections where you can favourite a task! To see where you can favourite a task, look for a star beside the task description.

1. Global Tasks tab

2. Patient-level Tasks tab

3. The 'Add Task' option in Global Referrals tab

4. The 'Add Task' option in Global Results tab

5. The 'Add Task' option in Global eFax tab (Inbox)

πŸ“– NOTE: Remember that to add a task for an incoming eFax, it will first need to be assigned to a patient. Only after this will you be able to select 'Add Task'.

How to favourite a task:

Enter the task description you would like to be saved. After that click the star icon next to the task description. The star will fill in green once clicked.

Fill in the rest of the fields and create a task by selecting 'Add'. This task will now be automatically saved in your favourites.

πŸ“– NOTE: Remember: Marking tasks as favourites is user-specific so others in your clinic will need to mark their own tasks as favourites.

How to remove a task from favourites:

You can remove a favourited task in any of the sections you can add a task. Simply locate the favourited task in the drop-down and deselect the star icon. This will remove the task from the list completely and to save it again you would need to manually re-add it.

πŸ“– NOTE: Removing a task from favourites does not impact previously created tasks with that favourite.

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