📣What's New and Improved?
Arya's Home Page
Arya has changed the original global Patients tab to now be a global Dashboard! The Home page will let you easily access all the information you need within one location.
By selecting the numbers within each section of the home page, you will be directed to the corresponding area within Arya.
What is included in Arya's Home page and how do you navigate this?
Patient Count
This will show you the total number of patients within your clinic.
When selected, you will be directed to your clinics patient list.
This will show you the total Unsigned Results a user has.
Clinical users will be directed to the global Results tab with their name filtered to display the results assigned to them that have not yet been reviewed and/or signed.
Non-Clinical users will have the number of Results assigned to them, similar to Clinical Users, but will be directed to the global Results tab with All Users filtered to display all the results within the clinic.
This will show you the total number of referrals that are awaiting review.
Clinical Users will be directed to the global Referrals tab with their name filtered to display the referrals assigned to them that are awaiting review.
Non-Clinical Users will have the number of Referrals assigned to them displayed on the Home page, similar to clinical users, but will be directed to the global Referrals tab will All Users filtered to display all referrals within the clinic.
This section will provide you with 3 counts. Your total amount of tasks, your total amount of urgent tasks, and your total amount of overdue tasks.
If you select Total Tasks, you will be directed to your task bucket.
If you select Urgent Tasks, you will be directed to your task bucket with urgency filtered to appear at the top.
If you select Overdue Tasks, you will be directed to your task bucket with the Due Date filtered to show overdue tasks at the top.
This section will provide you with 3 counts. The total amount of faxes in the Inbox, the total amount of items in the Outbox that are queued for eFaxing, and the total amount of Failed Faxes that your clinic has tried sending.
If you select the Total Inbox count, you will be directed to your global eFax inbox.
If you select the Total Outbox count, you will be directed to your global eFax Outbox.
If you select the Failed Faxes count, you will be directed to the global eFax Sent box with Failed filtered.
Please select the below button which will direct you to our Home Page help article for a detailed review on how to use and navigate the Home Page!
🛠️ What is Fixed and/or Updated?
Pharmacy Contacts and the Prescriptions Tab
When adding a pharmacy to a patients Contacts, it will reflect within the Prescriptions page for the patient.
If more than one pharmacy is listed for the patient, you can select between the two when creating and sending off prescriptions.
Adding an Appointment in Month View with Available Placeholders
When adding an appointment from the month view for a day that has an Available Placeholder, the start and end time slots will reflect the Available Placeholder times.
Assigning a Patient Displays set of Numbers and Letters
When assigning a result, referral, and/or fax to a patient, the patient will always be linked to the document rather than displaying a set of numbers and letters.
Daylight Savings Displaying on the Schedule
In prep of daylight savings, the schedule will always display the correct clinic start and end times.