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How to Create a Survey/Questionnaire Template
How to Create a Survey/Questionnaire Template

Steps on how to use Arya's Survey Engine

Updated over a week ago

This article provides an overview of the Arya EHR Survey Engine. For information on how to send a questionnaire to your patient please see the How to Send a Questionnaire article.

Getting started with the Survey engine

1. To start with the Survey Engine, navigate to the clinic dropdown menu and select Admin. This will launch the Admin Panel where the Survey Engine is located.

2. Click on the “Survey Engine” tab to open up the Survey engine

Creating a Survey Template

1. Once you're on the Survey Engine Page, Click the "New" button located on the left "Templates" panel to create a new survey template.

2. Add a title for your template in the "Type title here" field.

3. Select the clinic(s) that you would like to add the note template to by clicking on the "Select Clinics" field.

4. Choose whether to make your template Private or Public.

TIP: If you click on the “Private” button your template will only be visible to you on the Survey page.

5. Click the "Add" button to create your survey template.

Private vs Public Templates

If you check off the “Private” checkbox when creating a new template, it will be marked as private and will only be visible to you on the patient's portal page. Your colleagues will not be able to see it.

If a survey template is not marked as “Private” on the Survey Engine, the template is considered “Public” and will appear on the Portal page for all users of the clinic to use.

Editing a Survey Template

1. Create an Introduction

Start editing your survey template by adding in a preamble to your questionnaire. This information will appear at the top of the survey and can provide context or instructions on how the patient should be completing the questionnaire.

2. Questions

By default, each questionnaire starts with 1 Free Text question type, you can change the type of question by selecting from the options in the header. To add an additional question block click "Add Question" at the bottom of the template.

We will go through each question type individually, but let's start with what they all have in common.

  1. Question field - this is where you can input what to ask the patient. The Question field is mandatory for each question type.

  2. Required toggle - this will indicate if the question is optional. By default questions are not-required. If the toggle slides to the right and is green, then the patient must provide a response to this question in order to submit their questionnaire response.

  3. Trash icon - this will remove the question from your template, this action cannot be undone.

  4. Hamburger Icon - Each question has 3 horizontal lines (a "hamburger" icon), this icon can be clicked and dragged to re-arrange the order of the questions in a template.

2. Question Types

There are 4 types of questions available to create in Arya's Survey Engine. They include:

  • Free Text

  • Multi Choice

  • Multi Select

  • Likert Scale

Free Text

This question types allow patients to input a custom response into a textbox.

📖 Note: The "Free Text" box is a placeholder for where the patient will be responding, this text field cannot be modified at the template level.

Multi Choice

This question type allow patients to select one or more options from a curated list set in the template.

  • To add additional options, click "add option" at the bottom of the question block.

  • To remove an option, click the "x" that appears to the right of the option you wish to remove.

📖 Note: Options will not save if you update the question type

Multi Select

This question types allow patients to select only one option from a curated list set in the template

  • To add additional options, click "add option" at the bottom of the question block.

  • To remove an option, click the "x" that appears to the right of the option you wish to remove.

Likert Scale

This question type allows patients to pick from a scale of options (Never to Always; Unlikely to Likely; etc) for a number of statements.

  • Likert scales can be set from a minimum of 1 option to a maximum of 10 options. This can be set in the "scale" textbox

    • Note the patient will be able to scroll left to right if scale options do not fit on their screen width

  • To add additional options, click "add option" at the bottom of the question block.

  • To remove an option, click the "x" that appears to the right of the option you wish to remove.

Saving, Publishing and Deleting a Survey Template

To save your changes to a survey template click on the “Save as Draft” button.

If you're done creating your survey template and are ready to publish it for use in your clinic, click on the “Publish” button.

If you no longer want a survey template, click on the "Delete" button. Your template will be removed from the Survey Engine and will no longer be listed as an option on the Portal page. Any existing questionnaires in a patient's chart that were made using the deleted template will still be accessible.

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