Sometimes, you need to add some extra information before you submit your bill. All these additional fields are present under the info icon.
Click on the i icon on the right-hand side of the bill.
A small Additional Billing info box pops up.
The following fields can be added here:
Number of Units: You can click and enter the number of units of your appointment slots in the Units box.
Call time- Select your call start time from the small Clock icon.
Start Time and End Time: You can choose the start and the end time of your appointment from the small Clock icon.
After hours and Call out: Click on the button below to mention your after hours and call out hours of appointment.
Province (Set to Ontario by default for MDBilling): Select your Province from the dropdown.
π Note: For clinics integrated with MDBilling, the default location is set to Ontario.
Payment Program: from the dropdown below, select the program type.
Service Location Indicator: Select the service location indicator from the dropdown options.
Additional Notes: You can write and save additional notes here.
π Note: This is a free text field.
Click on the Save button at the bottom to save your changes.