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Well Baby Record - How to Fill Out a Guide
Well Baby Record - How to Fill Out a Guide

How to fill out and use the WBR Guide Section

Updated over a week ago

Within the Well Baby Record section, you can see the Guides that range from 1 week to 5 years of age. These Guides track, record, and maintain different stages of child development and well-being ranging from Birth to 5 years of age. For example- you can record the growth, concerns, nutrition, education, vaccination, behaviour, etc of a child as the child grows.

πŸ“– Note: The guidelines are as per the WHO standard.

How to fill out the WBR Guide Section:

Follow these steps to access and enter the record in the WBR Guide Section:

  1. Login to Arya EHR

  2. Go to the Patient Chart

    πŸ“– Note: the patient must be 0-5 years old. Here, the Test patient is - William WellBaby (1 month old).

  3. Go to Patient Results

    1. Click on Charts

    2. Click on Well Baby Record to expand. Here, you see the guides ranging from IB to IVE that correspond to 1 week to 5 years old. Click on any guide, depending on the age of the child. For instance, here, Click on Guide IC-1 month.

    3. Go to the Guide IC: 1-month section displayed on the right side of the page. In this section, you can see the following information that has to be filled in:

      1. Date and Growth: In this section, you can fill the Date of visit (choose the date from the calendar that pops in when you click on this section), Length of the baby (must be in cm), the Weight of the baby (must be in kg), and Head Circumference(must be in cm) measured during the 1-month check-up.

      2. Parent/ Caregiver Concerns- Any notes on the concerns of the parents or the caregiver can be entered here.

        πŸ“– Note: This is a free text field.

      3. Problems and Plans-Any notes on the problems or plans related to the child can be entered here.

        πŸ“– Note: This is a free text field.

      4. Nutrition- this section includes various points discussed and the concerns addressed related to the Nutrition of the child.

        πŸ“– Note: Tick all the relevant check boxes that apply and are discussed.

      5. Education and Advice- this section includes various points discussed and the concerns addressed related to the Education and Advice for the child. It includes the topics of Injury Prevention, Behaviour and Family Issues, Environmental health, and Other Issues.

        πŸ“– Note: Tick all the relevant check boxes that apply and are discussed.

      6. Development- this section includes various points discussed and the concerns addressed related to the development of the child.

        πŸ“– Note: Tick all the relevant check boxes that apply and are discussed.

      7. Physical Examination: this section includes various points discussed and the concerns addressed related to the Physical health of the child.

        πŸ“– Note: Tick all the relevant check boxes that apply and are discussed.

      8. Investigations/ Screening and Immunization: this section includes various points discussed and the concerns addressed related to the Immunization and Screening of the child.

        πŸ“– Note: Tick all the relevant check boxes that apply and are discussed.

The information is Autosaved in the system, so you don't need to save anything manually.

Similarly, you can fill out the other Guides based on the child's age on the date of visit.

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