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Creating Patient Notes

Seamlessly complete your notes with the Arya Notes module

Updated over a week ago

This article provides an introduction to Arya's Notes module. For information on how to create note templates please see the Notes Engine article.

Creating a New Note

1. To create a patient note in Arya, navigate to the patient's profile and click on the "Notes" tab.

2. Click the "New" button in the Notes panel. A dialog will appear asking you to select from a list of note templates created by you and your colleagues.

3. Click on the template that you would like to use for your note and click the “Select” button.

4. A new instance of the selected note template will open. You are now ready to start filling out your note!

Completing a Note

Most placeholders in the note template will automatically update when you create a new note for a patient from that template. However, there are some placeholders that will require input from you.

Single Selection placeholders

If you have a Single Selection placeholder in your note, you may only select one option from those provided.

Multiple Selection placeholders

If you have a Multiple Selection placeholder in your note, you may select any options that are applicable and click on the checkmark icon to indicate that you have made your selections.

Free Text placeholders

Free Text placeholders will appear in your note with a slight green background.

TIP: You can press "Tab" from anywhere in your note to quickly jump to the next free text area. After you've added your content, press "Tab" again to save your input.

Date placeholders

Date placeholders appear in your note as a field with a bright green line under them. When you click on the field, a small calendar will open allowing you to select a date.

📖 NOTE: Single Selection, Multiple Selection, Free Text, and Date placeholders must ALL be completed before you can fax, print, or submit your note.

Creating Inserts

To create new inserts for you to use within your notes, you can select Inserts at the top of your note. This will bring up a side panel on the right hand side showing all of your current inserts.

You can select New at the top of the Inserts panel and a Create Insert pop-up will appear on your screen. You can fill in the Insert Name and Insert Content to be what you require for your insert. Once you have filled out the Insert information, you can hit Save.

Using Inserts

Note inserts are a quick way to enter information you find yourself typing over and over again in your notes. Arya provides a default Patient Profile insert (pictured below), which adds the patient's Medical History, Medications, Allergies, Social History, and Family History information into your note, but you can also create your own. To create your own Insert, press the "Inserts" button in the note editor toolbar and click "Create" in the Select Insert dialog. Simply create a name for your insert and enter the text you wish to store in it. Once you're done, you'll be able to use your insert in notes for any of your patients.

Previewing and Publishing your note

Progress you make completing your notes will be auto-saved every few seconds, but once you have finished a note you can click the "Sign" button to designate that it is complete. Once a note has been submitted it is no longer editable.

📖 NOTE: The header associated with the note template you're using (as specified in the Notes Engine) and the default information block do not appear when you’re editing your note. They only appear when you print or fax your note.

Updating the Date and Title of a published note

With the new info icon button in the Notes section of the Patient chart, you can now add the title of the note, update the date of the note, assign the note to your colleague and add comments to your notes. Click the following link to learn more on how to do this!

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