Once you have created the form templates within the Forms Engine, you can access them within a patient's chart for completion. You can create a new form from the existing templates and fill in the fields accordingly.
Adding a New Form
Once you have published a form template, it will be available under the forms list when you click New on a patient's Forms page.
Once you've selected your form from the list, you can click Select to populate the form in the patient's chart for you to complete.
When the form is generated, the patient information controls will be automatically populated from the patient's profile. Any physician information controls will be automatically pulled from your settings in Edit My Profile such as name, billing number, and address.
📖 NOTE: Make sure your profile information is up-to-date and correct to ensure the information being pulled into the form is correct.
The image below shows how the test patient's demographics were all automatically filled in on the form.
⭐TIP: Any field in your form, even if it has automatically pulled in information, can be further edited or cleared by you if desired.
When you are completing the form, you can select Profile, to bring up the patient's profile summary on the right-hand side.
Completing a Form for a Patient
Once you have filled in all the necessary fields within the form and it is completed, you have a few options that you can do.
You can select Share, if you wish to share the form to the patient's portal. You can select eFax, if you wish to queue the form for electronic faxing. You can select Print, if you wish to print off the form. You can also select Delete, if you chose the form by mistake and wish to remove it.