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How to Access CareConnect

This guide will help you access CareConnect directly through Arya

Updated over 10 months ago

Arya EHR has integrated with CareConnect and allows you to easily access your CareConnect account. CareConnect is a secure British Columbia's EHR that provides patient’s health information from a variety of sources.

In order to integrate with Care Connect, you will need an active Care Connect account.

How to Create a CareConnect Account

1. Clinic members need a photo/non-photo BC service card and the BC Services Card App on their smartphone to verify their identity. You can read how to get a BC Services Card here. Download the app here.

2. Accept the invitation to join a worksite by email and/or enter your Worksite ID. After you log into my.CareConnect, complete the HxBC account registration form. If you have received an invite to join a worksite, click Main Menu and Manage Your Request to accept your invite. Otherwise, search for worksite by the Worksite ID sent via email. Submit your worksite access request.

3. Coordinate the completion of Privacy & Security Requirements. Prior to being approved for access, you are required to complete a short Privacy & Security course and relevant agreements to protect the sensitive patient information available through the eHealth Viewer.

4. Register as an individual user. To register for individual user access, open the Application Access module and submit the CareConnect Enrollment Form.

5. Authorize users to work on your behalf. To authorize an on-behalf-of user, open the Worksite Access module and select the My On-Behalf-OfUsers. Click Authorize a User and select the worksite member you wish to work on your behalf.

6. Access the CareConnect eHealth Viewer for Direct Patient Care. Once all requirements are submitted, your application will be processed in 7 – 10 business days. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access CareConnect once approved.

Launching CareConnect in Arya

You can find the CareConnect button within the patient’s chart under Profile.

After you click the button, a new CareConnect tab will open asking you to login. You will need to sign in using the BC Services Card App.

Once in your account, you will see the respective patient’s results.

📖 Minimum Browser and Operating System Requirements:

  • Edge 20 or later (officially supported versions by Microsoft)

  • Chrome Current and previous

  • Firefox Current and ESR releases (Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) is an official version of Firefox developed for large organizations like universities and businesses that must set up and maintain Firefox on a large scale. Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes.)

  • Opera 15 or later

  • OS X Safari 6.2.6 or later

  • iOS Safari iOS 8 or later

  • Chrome for Mobile 21 or later

  • For the extended functionality in Diagnostic imaging, Active-X (modern browsers like Chrome or Edge) support is required

  • The ability to render HTML and PDF’s may require the installation of a PDF plugin

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