What's New and Improved?
Add Pharmacy from Prescriptions tab
You are now able to add a pharmacy from the prescription page within Arya. Once a pharmacy has been selected, the pharmacy contact will be listed as a contact in the patient's chart.
What is Fixed and/or Updated?
Patient Portal Checkbox in the Global Referrals Tab
When adding a new patient from the global Referrals tab, the patient portal checkbox has been updated to be more clear.
Table View for Results
When reviewing results in the Table view, the dates will now include the year.
Profile Medical History
When adding data into a patient's medical history, it will no longer duplicate entries or jump to the bottom of the page.
Arya now has the ability to bill multiple fee codes within one bill at a time. You can do so by including a comma to separate the fee codes for the bill.
For Ontario clinics, Arya now has the ability to add a facility number to each claim within the Additional Billing section.
For Ontario clinics, the K300 and K301 fee codes are submittable now.
For Quebec private billing, the tax values have been updated.