What's Fixed?
Appointments and Schedule
Patients can now join Telehealth calls for unconfirmed appointments
Scheduled appointments can be re-assigned to another clinician without having to delete the original appointment.
Unavailable placeholders on the week-view scheduler appear as grey placeholders to clearly show it is an unavailable spot.
Clinician-Specific appointment types were appearing as if they were inactive (with an asterisk*) for other users - now only inactive/deleted appointment types will have the asterisk.
Patient Profile
Social history edits were not always saving if you left the patient profile too quickly. The system will still need about 1 second for changes to social history to stick.
The patient profile page would "jump" back to the top when adding long entries in Family and Social history. You can now type away without losing your spot.
Patient charts can be created or edited with "No Insurance" or "Private" selected on the Insurer dropdown.
No longer seeing a PHN validation error when updating patient cell number.
Growth Charts
Growth charts for 0-2 year olds have been repaired and are available for patients within that age range
Growth charts for 2-19 year olds have been repaired and are available for patients within that age range
Growth charts vitals (weight, height, length and head circumference) can be entered with up to 2 decimal points (eg. 04.19 lbs)
Uploaded PDFs can be searched by filename using the search bar
The intercom bubble is no longer available on the AryaEHR login screen. You must be logged in to use the intercom bubble.
Note: If you are unable to access Arya, you can still use Intercom through your email