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All CollectionsRelease Notes2024
November 2024 Release Notes
November 2024 Release Notes

Learn more about all the new exciting features and improvements to Arya.

Updated over a month ago

📣What's New and Improved?

Telehealth Platform Improvements

The improvements to our Telehealth appointment platform include:

  • the chat window for messaging between the user and the patient

  • the option to attach files to the messages

  • the user's name being pre-filled by the system upon accessing the call

Notes Engine - Header Image Resolution

We have improved the displayed resolution of the custom header images that can be uploaded to your note templates through the Notes Engine. Now, the quality of the image remains sharp and the image file does not get compressed, allowing you to use bigger sized images for your headers.

Demographics: Status Set to Active by Default

When a new patient is created, they are now automatically listed as Active. Existing Patients that had no status assigned to them in the past will now also be displayed as Active.

🛠️ What is Fixed

Address Book: Duplicate Entries Removal

A big number of duplicated entries in our Address Book has been removed from the contact database. This update has affected only Arya-generated contacts. The contacts added manually by users have not been removed.

Referrals: Comment Field Scroll Issue

Previously, when typing a comment in Referrals, if the comment was long enough for the scroll bar to appear on the right, it would jump to the top repeatedly. Now users are able to input lengthy comments without issues.

Results: Growth Charts Percentages Not Populating

In Growth Charts, when users entered the patient’s measurements, the new entries would get created, but the % columns remained empty. The Height, Weight and Head Circumference columns would be affected. This has been fixed, so now the entered measurements are correctly reflected in the % columns.

Results: Patient Message Formatting

We have improved the formatting of the messages sent to patients through the Results section in Arya. The emails that patients receive on their end with the message included are now presented in an improved format.

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